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Produkt zum Begriff Buy-and-Hold:

  • Gouldings Trading Post And Lodge
    Gouldings Trading Post And Lodge

    Preis: 230 € | Versand*: 0.00 €
  • Trading Boundaries
    Trading Boundaries

    Preis: 150 € | Versand*: 0.00 €
  • Trading Secrets
    Trading Secrets

    Have you ever wondered how the top City traders make big profits from share trading? Do you know why the best investors know exactly when the market is going to rise or fall? And do you wish you could do the same?By following 20 hard and fast rules,Trading Secrets shows you how you can make the same high returns as experienced investors and traders. Using historical, economic and technical trend analysis from the last fifty years, it identifies the ways for you to capitalise on such events as the clocks going back or moving forward, religious holidays, major sporting events and even the US presidential election. Written for both experienced investors and also those with little knowledge of the stock market, Simon Thompson’s practical investing guide offers trading strategies that you can use over the short-term or the long-term. For instance, do you know how daylight changes affect how the stock market performs and, more importantly, how to make big gains by trading on this knowledge? Or do you know which sector has massively outperformed the market in the first quarter of the year – posting a quarterly return of 12 per cent – in all bar four years in the past three decades?Trading Secrets uncovers all and more importantly explains why these trends occur, so that you can be confident your investments will pay off, even when the market is falling. 

    Preis: 16.04 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Corporate Finance and Investment
    Corporate Finance and Investment

    Understand and develop the tools to apply the principles of Corporate Finance from an international perspective with this leading text. Corporate Finance and Investment: Decisions and Strategies, 9th Edition is the latest version of this highly regarded and established text, coming from a team of leading experts in the field. The text studies the discipline from an international perspective, aiming to help you understand the fundamental principles of Corporate Finance and develop the tools you need to apply theory to practice. The latest, thoroughly revised Edition includes topical issues in valuation, working capital, capital structure, the dividend decision, Islamic Finance, Risk Management, and Behavioural Finance. Focusing on the strategic issues of Finance in a business setting, this must-read text uses the latest financial and accounting data, articles, and research papers, to effectively demonstrate the ways and extent you can apply theory to practical issues. Also available with MyLab® Finance MyLab is the teaching and learning platform that empowers you to reach every student. By combining trusted author content with digital tools and a flexible platform, MyLab® Finance personalises the learning experience and improves results for each student. If you would like to purchase both the physical text and MyLab® Finance, search for: 9781292244259 Corporate Finance, Global Edition, 5th Edition with MyLab Finance Package consists of: 9781292208541 Corporate Finance and Investment, 9th Edition 9781292234915 Corporate Finance and Investment, 9th Edition MyLab® Finance 9781292244228 Corporate Finance and Investment, 9th Edition Pearson eText MyLab® Finance is not included. Students, if MyLab Finance is a recommended/mandatory component of the course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN. MyLab Finance should only be purchased when required by an instructor. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.

    Preis: 53.49 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Verdient man mehr mit der Buy-and-Hold-Strategie oder durch das Auswählen und Wechseln von Aktien?

    Es ist schwierig zu sagen, ob man mit der Buy-and-Hold-Strategie oder dem aktiven Wechseln von Aktien mehr verdient. Die Buy-and-Hold-Strategie basiert auf langfristigem Investieren und kann zu stabilen Renditen führen, während das aktive Wechseln von Aktien potenziell höhere Gewinne, aber auch höhere Risiken mit sich bringen kann. Letztendlich hängt es von der individuellen Anlagestrategie, dem Marktumfeld und der Fähigkeit des Anlegers ab, gute Aktien auszuwählen und rechtzeitig zu handeln.

  • Was bedeutet "hold"?

    "Hold" kann verschiedene Bedeutungen haben, je nach Kontext. Im Finanzbereich bedeutet es beispielsweise, dass ein Anleger eine bestimmte Aktie oder Anlage weiterhin halten sollte, anstatt sie zu verkaufen. Im Kontext von Telefonanrufen kann "hold" bedeuten, dass der Anrufer kurz warten muss, bevor er mit einem Mitarbeiter verbunden wird.

  • Wie funktioniert Stop Buy?

    Stop Buy ist eine Orderart, bei der ein Trader eine Kauforder platziert, die erst dann ausgeführt wird, wenn der Kurs eines Wertpapiers ein bestimmtes Niveau erreicht oder überschreitet. Dieses Niveau wird als Stop-Preis bezeichnet. Sobald der Stop-Preis erreicht wird, wird die Kauforder automatisch als Limit-Order zum angegebenen Limit-Preis ausgeführt. Stop Buy wird häufig verwendet, um eine Position zu eröffnen, wenn der Kurs eines Wertpapiers über einen bestimmten Widerstandsbereich steigt, um von einem möglichen Aufwärtstrend zu profitieren. Es ist wichtig, den Stop-Preis und das Limit-Preis sorgfältig zu wählen, um sicherzustellen, dass die Order zum gewünschten Zeitpunkt und zum gewünschten Preis ausgeführt wird.

  • Warum werden in einer Messkette das Sample-and-Hold-Glied und der AD-Wandler getrennt betrachtet?

    Das Sample-and-Hold-Glied und der AD-Wandler werden getrennt betrachtet, da sie unterschiedliche Funktionen erfüllen. Das Sample-and-Hold-Glied dient dazu, das analoge Eingangssignal zu halten und zu stabilisieren, während der AD-Wandler das gehaltene Signal in ein digitales Format umwandelt. Durch die Trennung der beiden Komponenten kann jede Funktion separat optimiert und auf die spezifischen Anforderungen der Messkette abgestimmt werden.

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    Volatile Markets Made Easy: Trading Stocks and Options for Increased Profits

      Markets are more volatile than ever. That terrifies many investors, but it shouldn’t terrify you. Smart investors know how to feast on volatility. That’s because they’ve learned proven trading strategies designed specifically to profit from rapid market shifts. In Volatile Markets Made Easy: Trading Stocks and Options for Increased Profits, investing expert Guy Cohen teaches you how to earn big returns by systematically cherry picking the best trades while minimizing risk, and execute a simple trading plan that leverages your profits in volatile markets.   "Volatile Markets Made Easy is not just a book; it is a full course of instruction. This is an incredible piece of work." —Ned W. Bennett, CEO/Cofounder, optionsXpress, Inc.   "I highly recommend Guy Cohen’s Volatile Markets Made Easy, which introduces to the world his simple approach utilizing flag chart patterns to capitalize on trending stocks. Guy’s combination of clear explanations and lavishly detailed follow-throughs of trade examples cogently demonstrates how to deploy several simple, option-based strategies to make consistent money with one of the most reliable stock chart patterns—while strictly limiting risk with sound money management techniques. Add this one to your shelf." —John Brasher,  

    Preis: 11.76 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Trading Options at Expiration: Strategies and Models for Winning the Endgame
    Trading Options at Expiration: Strategies and Models for Winning the Endgame

     Equity and index options expire on the third Friday of each month. As that moment approaches, unusual market forces create option price distortions, rarely understood by most investors. These distortions give rise to outstanding trading opportunities with enormous profit potential. In Trading Options at Expiration: Strategies and Models for Winning the Endgame, leading options trader Jeff Augen explores this extraordinary opportunity with never-before published statistical models, minute-by-minute pricing analysis, and optimized trading strategies that regularly deliver returns of 40%-300% per trade.   You’ll learn how to structure positions that profit from end-of-contract price distortions with remarkably low risk. These strategies don’t rely on your ability to pick stocks or predict market direction and they only require one or two days of market exposure per month. Augen also discusses:   ·         Three powerful end-of-cycle effects not comprehended by contemporary pricing models ·         Trading only one or two days each month and avoiding overnight exposure ·         Leveraging the surprising power of expiration-day pricing dynamics   If you’re looking for an innovative new way to reignite your returns no matter where the markets move, you’ve found it in Trading Options at Expiration.    “Learn and profit from Jeff Augen’s book: It clearly explains how to take advantage of market inefficiencies in collapsing implied volatility, effects of strike price, and time decay. A must-read for individuals who are options oriented.” --Ralph J. Acampora, CMT, Director of Technical Analysis Studies, New York Institute of Finance   “A fantastic, insightful book full of meticulously compiled statistics about anomalies that surround option expiration. Not only does Augen present a set of effective trading strategies to capitalize on these anomalies, he walks through the performance of each across several expirations. His advice is practical and readily applicable: He outlines common pitfalls, gives guidance on timing your executions, and even includes code that can be used to perform the same calculations he does in the text. A thoroughly enjoyable read that will give you a true edge in your option trading.” --Alexis Goldstein, Vice President, Equity Derivatives Business Analyst   “Mr. Augen makes a careful and systematic study of option prices at expiration. His translation of price behavior into trading strategy is intriguing work, and the level of detail is impressive.” --Dr. Robert Jennings, Professor of Finance, Indiana University Kelly School of Business   “This book fills a gap in the vast amount of literature on derivatives trading and stands out for being extremely well written, clear, concise, and very low on jargon--perfect for traders looking to evolve their equity option strategies.” --Nazzaro Angelini, Principal, Spearpoint Capital   “Instead of considering macro-time strategies that take weeks to unfold, Jeff Augen is thinking micro here--hours or days--specifically the days or hours right before expiration, and harnessing grinding, remorseless options decay for profit. He builds a compelling case for the strategy here. The concept of using ratio spreads plus risk management for as brief a period as one day--open to close--to capture expiring premium is worth the price of admission alone. A superb follow-up to his first book. Must-read for the serious options student.” --John A. Sarkett, Option Wizard software  

    Preis: 14.97 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Systematic Options Trading: Evaluating, Analyzing, and Profiting from Mispriced Option Opportunities
    Systematic Options Trading: Evaluating, Analyzing, and Profiting from Mispriced Option Opportunities

    Sophisticated options traders need systematic, reliable approaches for identifying the best option combinations, underlying assets, and strategies. This book makes these approaches available for the first time. Leading-edge traders and researchers Sergey Izraylevich and Vadim Tsudikman treat the option market as a whole: an unlimited set of trading variants composed of all option combinations that can be constructed at any specific time moment (using all possible strategies and underlying assets). They introduce a system that permits thorough analysis and comparison of many option combinations in terms of both expected profitability and potential risk. For the first time, they formalize and classify more than a dozen criteria intended to select preferable trading alternatives from a vast quantity of potential opportunities, and show how to apply multiple valuation criteria concurrently to select the best possible trades. By applying these principles consistently, traders can systematically identify subtle price distortions using proven statistical parameters. They can gain a clear and consistent advantage over competing traders, transforming option trading into a continuous process of profit generation with tightly controllable parameters of risk and profitability.

    Preis: 31.02 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Offworld Trading Company
    Offworld Trading Company

    Offworld Trading Company

    Preis: 8.43 € | Versand*: 0.00 €
  • Was ist der Unterschied zwischen "hold on" und "hold up"?

    "Hold on" bedeutet, zu warten oder zu bleiben, während "hold up" bedeutet, zu verzögern oder aufzuhalten. "Hold on" wird oft verwendet, um jemanden zu bitten, einen Moment zu warten, während "hold up" verwendet wird, um eine Verzögerung oder Unterbrechung zu beschreiben.

  • Was ist die Vergangenheitsform von "buy"?

    Die Vergangenheitsform von "buy" ist "bought".

  • Was bedeutet "hold my"?

    "Hold my" ist eine umgangssprachliche Redewendung, die oft verwendet wird, um jemanden zu bitten, etwas für einen kurzen Moment zu halten. Es kann auch verwendet werden, um anzudeuten, dass man etwas tun wird, das möglicherweise riskant oder ungewöhnlich ist. In vielen Fällen wird es humorvoll oder sarkastisch verwendet.

  • Was ist ein Stop Buy?

    Was ist ein Stop Buy? Ein Stop Buy ist ein Auftrag, den ein Anleger an seine Handelsplattform sendet, um eine Aktie zu einem vorab festgelegten Preis zu kaufen, sobald der Kurs dieses Niveaus erreicht oder überschreitet. Dieser Auftrag wird verwendet, um eine Position zu eröffnen, wenn der Kurs steigt und ein bestimmtes Niveau erreicht, um von weiteren Kursgewinnen zu profitieren. Ein Stop Buy ist das Gegenstück zum Stop Loss, bei dem eine Position geschlossen wird, wenn der Kurs unter ein bestimmtes Niveau fällt. Stop Buys werden oft von Anlegern verwendet, um in einen Aufwärtstrend einzusteigen und von potenziellen Gewinnen zu profitieren.

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